Use "offence|offences" in a sentence

1. Affray is a public disorder offence and is related to the offences of riot and violent disorder

2. Buggery remained a capital offence in England and Wales until the enactment of the Offences against the Person Act 1861

3. Only CY has explicitly stated in the relevant provisions that aiding and abetting of the new offences is not an offence.

4. Difference between Bailable offence and Non-Bailable offence Bailable offence

5. Each Member State shall take the necessary measures to make incitement to commit, aiding and abetting or attempting one of the offences referred to in Article # a criminal offence

6. Abettors in indictable offences

7. Kind of Offence: Abetment is a specific offence under s

8. Bailable and Non- Bailable Offences

9. That is a statutory offence or, more bluntly put, a criminal offence.

10. Offences related to specifically adapted devices

11. That is a statutory offence or, more bluntly put[Sentencedict], a criminal offence.

12. He's serving time for drugs offences.

13. " No offence, simply business.

14. I mean, no offence.

15. Do you know you've committed offences

16. She takes offence too easily.

17. PRlNCE And for that offence

18. Cognizance of offences by Magistrates ( section 190)

19. We can afford to overlook minor offences.

20. The man's a sartorial offence.

21. Offence is the best defence.

22. Offence is Bailable, Non-Cognizable

23. His blunt speaking caused offence.

24. These offences rarely led to severe penalties.

25. Speeding offences are usually punishable by a fine.

26. Taking Cognizance of offence means taking notice, or becoming aware of the alleged commission of an offence

27. Gallon Drunk are an aural offence.

28. She is quick at taking offence.

29. Offences in connection with the office of Assizer

30. 19 We can afford to overlook minor offences.

31. Parking fines are given for parking offences/violations.

32. Five people were arrested for drug-related offences.

33. • Gallon Drunk are an Aural offence

34. He was convicted of drug offences and deported.

35. Such offences as his profoundly endanger public security.

36. His offences were forgiven him by the employer.

37. I personally think the president committed impeachable offences.

38. Abettor is liable for the additional offence, if that offence is result of the probable consequence of abetment

39. Of specific nature are the proscribed offences of foreign enlistment (s71), piracy (s72), hijacking (s73) and related aircrafts offences (ss 74, 75 & 76).

40. Giving false informationis a punishable offence.

41. No offence meant, honest, old chum.

42. We were punished for the most trivial offences.

43. He is wanted for robbery and firearms offences.

44. 10 words related to Carjack: crime, criminal offence, criminal offense, law-breaking, offense, offence, commandeer, highjack, hijack, pirate

45. We can determine his offence and what punishment we shall mete out for that offence; that is clear

46. Bedworth has pled not guilty to three hacking offences.

47. The judge described the offences as nauseating and unspeakable.

48. ‘No bail must be granted for non Bailable offences.’ ‘The People's Forum has welcomed the announcement by the Vice-President that Cabinet has approved amendment of the law relating to theft of motor vehicles to make the offence Bailable.’

49. It is an offence to obstruct the police in their efforts to search for evidence of a drug offence.

50. Fine < rm25k OR to imprisonment for a term < 3 years OR both Abetments & attempts punishable as offences: A person who abets the commission of or who attempts to commit any offence under this Act Be liable to the punishment provided for the offence, Provided that any term of imprisonment imposed shall not exceed one-half of the maximum term

51. Can it be proved that he did commit these offences?

52. Judges are imposing increasingly heavy fines for minor driving offences.

53. Determine offences and decide on compliance with technical standards.

54. He has also ordered a crackdown on parking offences.

55. The offence carries a mandatory life sentence.

56. He compressed his lips in silent offence.

57. It's an offence to harbor the criminals.

58. Cathy was fined for her first offence.

59. * In a significant move and taking into account the lessons learnt from independent studies, a new law titled - the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act was enacted in 2012 to protect children from sexual offences including offences against girls.

60. Best for Beachheading or hacking on offence

61. (e.g. suspected of serious offence; aggressive behaviour):

62. The government officer committed an impeachable offence.

63. terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities, as defined in Articles 1 and 3 of Council Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA (50), respectively, or inciting, aiding, abetting or attempting to commit such offences, as referred to in Article 4 of that Decision;

64. There was no distinction between civil and criminal offences.

65. He had not been convicted of any terrorism offences.

66. 3 We were punished for the most trivial offences.

67. "The offence of Ananias and Sapphira

68. She takes offence at the slightest thing .

69. So far their offence has gone unpunished.

70. Your Highness is taking offence very unnecessarily.

71. Khosrow asks forgiveness and repents his offence.

72. They held him culpable for the offence.

73. A fine for this offence is automatic.

74. It created other offences - violent disorder, affray and threatening behaviour.

75. Section 2(a) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 ,Bailable offence means an offence which is shown as Bailable in the First Schedule, or which is made Bailable by any other law for the time being in force; and “non-Bailable offence” means any other offence.

76. New article # of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides that persons benefiting from exemptions or reduced penalties for making it possible to prevent the commission of offences, put an end to or mitigate the damage caused by an offence, or identify the perpetrators or abettors of offences and their associates, can also benefit from protection to ensure their security and measures to facilitate their reintegration

77. The courts can Confiscate assets from people who have committed offences

78. Abuse of trust, authority or dependency – new offence;

79. Police punished him for an offence of theft.

80. The best defence is a good offence